
Hey there,

I am losing my hair. Slowly... but surely. And I got a hair transplant. The name is Slav by the way, one of the founders of Bear's Den. 

Why am I telling you this? Well, this is the exact reason or should I say this is the occasion why we started Bear's Den. 

Usually, when you realize you are losing your hair it is too late to protect it so that it lasts longer. So I got 2,500 grafts on my crown temple. At some point during the laborious 2 weeks after the hair transplant and the tons of things I had to go through to make sure the transplanted hair stays on my head, I realized clearly for the first time that I have the wrong attitude towards not only my hair but my whole health. I am slacking, waiting (don't know what for), wasting time, losing time. I don't know what makes men more prone towards putting their health on the sideline until they have an actual issue, but it is engraved so deeply in who we are that it takes a lot to open your eyes. Might be the whole "Just act like a man" culture... might be something else. Anyways... After the intervention I started realizing and when I became a father I fully realized that I have to take better care of my health, not only for myself, but for the people I love as well.

At that moment I decided that I will try to do something about helping men better organize themselves and take care of their health, build routines, take preliminary steps towards a healthier future.

The first pain point we are trying to solve in Bear's Den with the Thrive product is directly reflecting the ridiculous situation I found myself after the hair transplant, i.e. the ton of supplements I had to take (ton in my view). 5 different capsules, each costing a fortune, with questionable ingredients and no proven effect.

After a couple of months, a few hundred down the drain and 0 habit I decided that there has to be a simpler way.

So I sat down with my friends and started researching what and how much of will actually help keep my hair on my head. Found the scientifically proven ingredients, got their optimal dosage and the final piece was to make it more likely that I consume this... aaand that is how the Bear's Den Thrive Gummy Bear was born.

We will be adding more here with every product so that you understand the idea behind.

Until then.